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Author Archives: @dmin_greentre

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Exploring Collaboration Opportunities with Holidaygogogo Tours Sdn Bhd

Our recent visit to the office of our esteemed partner, Holidaygogogo Tours Sdn Bhd, was both productive and promising. During our discussions, we explored potential collaborations in fleet and transportation services, local island and hiking tours, and exchanged insights to enhance our offerings. We had the pleas...

Golden Destination Awards Ceremony Park Royal Collection Kuala Lumpur – 3rd February 2024

Green Trekkers representative Ms Leong Jui Chuan and Madam Wong Har Chow has attended the grand award ceremony organized by Golden Destinations and has been awarded Silver Award for year 2022 – 2023. We are proud to be recognized as one of the top contributing agents in the central region of Peninsula Malaysia. ...

Outdoor Expo Malaysia, 2-4 June 2023

Outdoor Expo yang berlangsung dari 2-4 Jun 2023 adalah satu satunya acara expo penggiat hobi outdoor terbesar di Malaysia. Tahun ini, Green Trekkers berpeluang menampilkan diri dengan satu booth di dalam dewan dengan menawarkan pakej pakej pelancongan pendakian di dalam dan luar negara Malaysia. Kami beras...

Children Life Experience Series – Kota Kemuning Mosque Tour

Join me, Kay Lee and Kay Son in Green Trekkers Kids Club program by Green Trekkers Sdn Bhd, a travel agency based in Seksyen 22, Shah Alam. An invitation by Ustaz Haji Abdul Rahim Daud to visit our Masjid Kota Kemuning. Objective:To give children the opportunity to see the inside of a mosque.To expose children t...

Ladang Farm Fresh

10 Dec 2022: A personal review of Farm Fresh Farm Serdang. Firstly, I used Waze to guide my drive. Be sure to select the right Farm Fresh Farm UPM because there are many authorized farm fresh agents around that pin their location onto Waze, so make sure to read the full description before clicking the location on Waze...

Selangor International Book Fair @MBSA Convention Centre

4 December 2022 – Visited Selangor Book Fair at MBSA Convention Centre today. Happening from 1-11 December 2022. Recommend to go during weekdays as weekends can be crowded.This new building is a neighbourhood convention centre, not to be compared with the huge klcc type. Parking was full, we parked a distance aw...

Green Trekkers’ Rider Completed 1000km bicycle ride within 75 hours

28 August 2020: Green Trekkers’ rider took part in a 1000km bicycle ride that started at Morib, Selangor covering 5 states namely Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Johor and Melaka. Below is some sharing from rider’s perspective:- The ride started on Friday 28 August. Some 50 riders took part...

10 Best Places To Visit In Selangor in 2020

Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque, Shah Alam The Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque is the largest in Malaysia and the second-largest in Southeast Asia after Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque. The gleaming dome of Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, also known as Shah Alam’s Blue Mosque, is often...

Green Trekkers’ Rider Completed Audax BRM200 Ride

Green Trekkers’ rider Ms. Leong Jui Chuan completed 200km bicycle ride in 13.5 hours under the event organized by Audax Randonneurs Malaysia. This long distance ride which started at 5am from MesaMall Nilai, rode through Seremban town, Rantau, Sungai Menyala, Port Dickson Beach before reaching Check Point 1 at M...

10 Must-Visit Attractions & Places in Jakarta

Istiqlal Mosque Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia and the third largest Sunni Mosque in term of capacity. This national mosque of Indonesia was built to commemorate Indonesian independence and named “Istiqlal”, an Arabic word for “independence&#...